Set Price Now Revenue model is designed and based on the following conservative assumptions: 

  1. Viral Coefficient 1.2
  2. Average Bid Price $170
  3. Average Charge per Request Accepted $12
  4. There are multiple additional revenue models such as professional upgrades and payment processing fees that will be added in the future
  5. Each consumer will be using the app once a month
  6. We will be going after the industries at launch
    1. Weight Loss
    2. MedSpa
    3. Day Spa
    4. Hair Salons
    5. Nail Salons
    6. Massage Therapists
    7. Eyebrow Salons
    8. Eyelash Salons
    9. Pet Grooming
    10. Aesthetic Nurses
    11. Body Sculpting Specialists
  7. The first year or the first 1000 members will not be charged
  8. Upgrade of Professional Profiles will start 12 months post funding

We have over 100K professionals in our database and are adding to these numbers daily to reach 400K. 

Set Price Now P&L Summary is as follows:
  1. End of year 1 post funding
    1. 139 Active App Downloads
    2. Revenue of $0 (as we will not charge users until we reach 1000 users. 
    3. Total Loss of $700K
    4. 9 Employees
    5. $458K devoted to Marketing
  2. End of year 2 post funding
    1. 8000 Active Downloads
    2. Total Revenue (Starting after Month 19 charging members and allowing upgrade of profiles for professionals) of $1M
    3. Loss of $1.6K
    4. Total of 18 Employees
    5. $1.8M dedicated to marketing
  3. End of year 3 post funding
    1. 455K Active Downloads
    2. Total Revenue of $90M
    3. Gain of $69M
    4. Total of 42 Employees
    5. $18M dedicated to sales and marketing
For More Details you can scroll down below to see the detailed spreadsheet. 

Set Price Now Revenue Model

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SPN P&L Year 1

No Charge for any services for the first 18 months or once we reach 1000 active downloads


Total Funds Needed $3,000,000

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SPN P&L Year 2

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SPN P&L Year 3

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